Thursday 29 March 2012

Week 4 - Refinement of Idea

 Refinement of Idea

 Our direction is to create a space that is over powering and intimidating through the use of materials and their composition.

 In this image i am looking to create a space that is using the external qualities of the building to  juxtaposition the internal white reflective space. In doing so the internal sterile white space will be over emphasized.
Creating a space where every little detail and blemish is visible, removing the faceless value of some people with in society today.  Ultra-visible

taking this a step further and using the play on words 'faceless' there could be an array of screens in one corner  that showed a live view from  cameras on the opposite side of the room. thus only displaying the back of the people occupying the space. Faceless

 Safe or unsafe.. depending on the individual person this space this space might be seen as a refuge place of shelter from rain and sun or it could be perceived as unsafe/unwelcoming due to the fact it might topple over balanced nature of the design.

An artificial extension of the cliff. 
with the overshadowing nature of a cliff face it has the ability to make you feel small and insignificant, through placement of the folie close to the cliff it has the subconscious perceived effect (illusion) of making the folie seem larger than it is.

Image Sourced: Google Image search
Image Reference:

This image shows how the ancient Egyptians have used the cliffs to create an illusion of greater scale  

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